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Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Checking the Swingarm angle.

I used a digital protractor along with the laser level and a large T square. The T square lays along the swingarm from the center of the pivot to the center of the rear axle. The bike is supported by the frame so that there is no weight on the suspension. I sat the lower arm of the protractor on the top edge of the T square, then raised the other arm until it was parallel with the level laser line. The picture below shows a downward angle of 10.5 degrees on the swingarm.

Here you can barely make out the red "level" laser line running through the centerline of the swingarm pivot. I had to first find how the bike sits naturally (if the front sat higher than the back, etc), and I did this by measuring the height of both axles from the ground and adjusting accordingly.