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Tuesday, January 19, 2010

One more thing on belt tension.....

Make sure that you check the tension of both belts at TDC compression for each one. Although the manual says nothing about bringing the Vertical cyl. back to TDC to set tension- (I've asked a couple of people about this and got a couple of different answers)- I decided, after getting a different reading by checking both belts with just the H.cyl @ TDC, to tension the V. belt at TDC also. I figured if it's good enough for the older superbikes it'll work here! New belts.
I had a small oil leak on the left (chain) side Vert. head rocker shaft cover. Above are the 5
O-rings that seal the oil in around the rocker shafts. My leak seemed to be coming from the upper right (orange) ring.
Here's the new one's greased up (so they stay in place) and installed.
All buttoned up. There's just enough room to get the cover off with the engine in the frame. The coolant elbow has to be removed first (there's an O ring in there too).
Another shot of all the marks that end up being on the cam's good to know what's going on in the future....a Sharpie marker is your friend!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi, guantanamera121212